How To Reduce Your Visible Pores

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There's nothing more frustrating than the little annoyances in life- paper cuts, broken heels and pores. Tiny, little speckles of dirt and grossness just clogging up our skin- RUDE. Sometimes it doesn't matter how clean we keep our skin these little buggars just find a way to seek shelter from all cleansers. SO here are a few simple steps to really attack them bad boys and keep noses fresh and dandy. There's a few strange tips in here but just stick with it! Hope this helps.
1. Clean your skin, remove all makeup and dirt from the day so we start this battle with a clean canvas
2. The best way to lure pores from their hiding place is a good steam. Heat is perfect to open pores nice and wide so they have nowhere to hide when it comes to cleaning them out. So boil some water, pour into the sink and pop in one of these 'Toner tabs' from LUSH, it ensures that all water and steam are filled with antiseptics and tea tree water (whole buncha goodies). Lean over the sink, put a towel over your head and let the steam from the sink do its work.
3. Grab some Biore pore strips and put across your nose (looking like a little penguin) leave for around ten minutes then enjoy the agonising yet satisfying chore of ripping it off again (NOT FUN)
4. Here's for one of the weird little remedies, but trust me it works. Mix together lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda and then use a small tooth brush to brush the mixture into your pores. The acidity of the mix should dissolve dirty pores stubborn enough to avoid the first attempts.
5. ANOTHER strange little trick. We worked hard to open up our skin, and now we've cleaned it, it's important to close the door, so the pollution of everyday life doesn't muck it up again. The answer to this- ICE! While heat opens pores, coldness will shut them again and the best way to do this is rub some fresh out the freezer ice all over your nose or wherever else you've targeted. Finally use a toner to lock the doors we've closed and enjoy your brand new poreless skin! LAVELYYY
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