Tuesday the 28th of February is one of the greatest days in modern civilised society... Pancake day! It's a day committed to fattening us all up before Lenten purges, an event to commemorate the countdown of a mere 40 days and 40 nights before Lindt Bunnies and Creme eggs. So to make this day extra special, why not offer something a little different to our usual British, crepe style pancakes with lemon and sugar and take a leaf out of McDonald's book with these classic, fluffy, all American pancakes? Super easy and delishhh!
You will need:
4 3/4 oz plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons of caster sugar
teaspoon of vanilla extract
130ml milk
1 egg
Start by sifting the flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon and baking powder into a large bowl and mixing together

In a jug beat together the milk, melted butter and one egg along with the vanilla extract until completely combined. After such, slowly pour the eggy mixture into the dry ingredients. Whisk the two together until there are no lumps remaining and leave to sit for 5 minutes

Melt a knob of butter in a large pan then pour a ladle of batter into it, ensuring the mix is around 1cm thick. When you see bubbles appear on the side facing up, you'll know it's time to flip! (Warning this cannot be done in the same frivolous way as crepes, it's a boring spatular turnover I'm afraid)

Absolutely drown the suckers in syrup (the classic American thing to do) and serve warm. Feel free to add some extras at this point such as blueberries or even bacon! Hope you all have a fabulous Pancake day everyone and remember that on this particular Tuesday, calories certainly, do. not. count.
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