How To Prepare Valentine's Day Chocolate Fondue

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Cher Horowitz (Clueless... aka best chick flick of the 90's) once told us 'You should always have something baking when boys come over' However if bae is coming round for Vday it's likely you'll be busy removing all hair below your eyebrows or drowning in Victoria Secret body spray. So this posh chocolate fondue is a super quick alternative, which is cute and romantic. More importantly it tastes so good it's the perfect treat to indulge any single, cynical, sleeping well knowing no one is cheating on me, scoffing my feelings Valentine's day cravings

1. Firstly, grab some high end chocolate. I recently received this AMAZING Octo chocolate which is Vegan and made from all top range organic ingredients, including Coconut Blossom sugar. Each product I tried tasted gorgeous and it's so satisfying to know that they're all handmade and wrapped. They even offer catering services/packages for exclusive VIP customers. So check out their site or find them in Harrods, and get shopping in time for the big day!

2. Boil some water in a pan and place a heatproof bowl full of broken chocolate over it. Continuously stir until the chocolate is melted and smooth. (Can we take a minute to appreciate my HAND MADE oven mitts here,*Mothers day gift back in the day* I'm such a housewife it's disgusting.)

3. This part is optional but if you're single for Valentines day, every bit of added sweetness is necessary. You can add a spoonful of golden syrup to the fondue to make it thicker and more decadent.

4. Chop up some strawberries, grab some cherries, brownies, marshmallows and flapjacks (all packet bought of course... ain't got time to bake when I'm wallowing in self pity) arrange all pretty like, grab skewers and ENJOY.

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