You will need:
3 layers of cake (see vanilla cupcake tutorial for recipe)
Jam of your choice
Frosting (can make your own or use tubs if you're lazy like me)
Icing sugar
Trim the top off each layer of cake, ensuring that they are even
Use a palate knife to spread a small amount of frosting onto a cake board to ensure that the cake sticks
After placing the cake top down onto the board, use a spatular to spread jam evenly on top of the sponge, after doing so place the next cake (top down again) above this and repeat spreading the jam,
finally place the final cake on the stack (top down)
Hack away at that bad boy! Just get a bread knife and go ham on it! JK, use the knife to trim the edges away from the cake, ensuring that you end up with an even circle (this DOES NOT have to look pretty,
it's all going to be covered up soon) (Kinda like my poor excuse of a summer bod waiting for Autumn jumpers)
Once you're pleased the cake is (somewhat) even, use the palate knife to start spreading a WHOLE LOTTA frosting over the entire thing, trying to keep distribution even(ISH). Again this does not have to look pretty the fondant will cover the ugliness, the frosting is purely to help the icing stick and make sure
it goes on as smoothly as possible. Leave the cake with the crumb coat spread over it (layer of frosting) in the fridge for at least 1 hour

Take the cake out of the fridge, sprinkle and spread some icing sugar over a large surface and roll out your fondant, do this carefully so you don't rip it or create cracks, to ensure you have enough, use a
ruler to measure the sides and top of the cake, the combined number plus around 2-3cm should be the size of your fondant circle

Carefully lift the icing onto the cake and working quickly but carefully use your hands to smooth the fondant onto the cake, use a knife or pizza slice to remove excess from the bottom
Use a fondant smoother (optional but recommended) to buff away any lumps n bumps (can I get one of those for my summer bod!?)
Cut ribbon to place around the rim and then decorate to your heart's content and EAT (can you guess the occasion for my cake! :D) Enjoy lovelies xxx