Abercrombie models are not human beings- they're aliens sent from California, who have perfect bodies and perfect faces and casually stroll up to us while we're trying to shop asking 'how you doing?' So if you feel like pretending for the day that you're one of these magical robots then here's a makeup routine to get you started !
STEP ONE: Get your eyes bronzed and glowy, stick to subtle layers and nude shades, Abercrombie models obviously just wake up with glittery eyelids, but us mere mortals have to pretend. Don't forget some low-key brows and mascara too!
STEP TWO: Get bronzzzzzzed. Forget foundation and use this 'Dew The Hoola' liquid bronzer from benefit, gives a subtle glow and is a much better choice when you're already tanned, perfect for the summer
STEP THREE: Cover up those bags- Abercrombie chicks don't have eye bags, what the hell have they got to loose sleep over?! So ensure you get those bad boys hidden away. Benefit's BOIING concealer is a good option for a natural but effective cover-up
STEP FOUR: HIGHHHHHLIGHTTTTTERRRRRRRR! Of course when you're bred in California you just glow 24/7, it like beams from their insides. So grab your fave liquid and creme highlighters with golden undertones and layer some on your cheekbones, nose and cupids bow. Ensure you set all this with some powder too- an Abercrombie girl never dims her shine. Of course add some powdered bronzer on your cheeks too if you fancy an extra little kick of tan. 

STEP FIVE: Get this face locked in before anyone realises we're frauds by spraying setting spray all over (notice my graceful setting spray face here... we all have one). Not only does this ensure your makeup stays put, it keeps you looking dewy and fresh all day, just like you stepped off a beach
STEP SIX: Whip out some natural looking glawsss (I've been re-watching Jersey Shore if you can't tell) and get those smackers looking shiny.
There you have it! The perfect Abercrombie girl glam, now you can walk into a Hollister with your head held high!